Give Your Students the Financial Education They Deserve with

MONEY 180®

the premier program turning college students into financially confident graduates.

Your Students Are Drowning in Financial Stress—And It’s Hurting Your Retention Rates.

📌 73% of college students are stressed about their personal finances.

📌 Financial strain is tanking their grades, mental health, and graduation rates.

📌 Public trust in higher education is declining, and enrollment is shrinking.

As a college administrator, you see it firsthand. You watch students take on massive debt without a real plan. You hear their stress about college affordability, credit scores, rent, and loan payments. You know they need financial education—and let’s be real: a boring PowerPoint isn’t going to cut it.

That’s where MONEY 180® comes in.

What is MONEY 180®?

MONEY 180® is a video-based financial education and coaching program designed for real college students in today’s world. This isn’t dry textbook theory. It’s relatable, practical, high-energy, inclusive, and actually fun.

We teach students how to:
✅ Actually understand their money (without feeling overwhelmed)
✅ Reduce stress and start making smart financial moves right now
✅ Build a strong foundation so they can thrive after graduation

What students are saying:

“It was entirely comprehensive. It was everything I needed to know in order to move forward with my finances at this stage in life.”

You might already be thinking…

🚫 "Do students really care about this?"
💡 YES, and they’re desperate for it. Students want practical, engaging, real-world financial education that actually helps them thrive.

🚫"We already have someone who does a financial literacy talk."
💡 A one-time session is not enough. Students need ongoing education, actionable steps, and a speaker who keeps them engaged. A dull lecture full of generic advice won’t change behavior—but MONEY 180® will.

🚫 "Our students have access to financial wellness through our banking partner."
💡 Let’s be honest—banks have a sales agenda. We provide conflict-free, no-strings-attached, student-first financial education.

🚫 "We don’t have the budget for this."
💡What’s the cost of student dropouts, missed enrollment opportunities, and overwhelmed students? Investing in financial education now saves your institution money in the long run by improving enrollment, retention, student well-being, and long-term success. Plus, MONEY 180®’s pricing is very competitive.

🚫 "Doesn’t financial aid already do this?"
💡Financial aid ≠ financial education. Your financial aid team is amazing at helping students navigate tuition and loans, but they don’t have the bandwidth to teach students how to actually manage their money for life.

MONEY 180® gives students the knowledge and confidence to take control of their money so they can stay in school, graduate, and build a strong future.

What Will Students Learn?

MONEY 180® sets students up for success from day one. We intro the program by giving students a much-needed pep talk—because no matter where they’re starting, they need to know that they are capable of experiencing more financial freedom than they think. We also make a point of getting them some immediate, tangible money wins to help build confidence in their ability to take control of their finances.

Then, we break personal finance down into six power-packed video-based modules—with zero fluff.

Students will master their money using my MUSICAL framework for financial success™:

& it doesn’t stop there!

In addition to invaluable video-based content, students also get:

MONEY 180® Workbook

This handy dandy resource helps students take notes, cement the concepts learned in the program, and will serve as a life-long reference.

Live Group Q&A

Lean on the benefits of peer engagement. Students connect with Akeiva and other expert coaches to work through any hangups and get their money questions answered.

Private Community

Connect with like-minded students. This is a safe space for students to ask money questions, get support, and support other students on their financial journeys.

Why This Program? Why Now?

🚨 Because Google & TikTok Are Not Financial Advisors.
Love it or not, your students are getting advice from random people online. Some of it’s good. Some of it’s trash. MONEY 180® gives them the real, reliable information they actually need.

🚨 Because Financial Stress Kills Dreams.
Students should be focused on opportunities, not obstacles. MONEY 180® helps them move forward with confidence.

🚨 Because Student Loan Stress Is Real.
We help students create a smart strategy to handle their debt—before it controls their future.

🚨 Because Adulting Is Expensive.
Rent, credit scores, job benefits, taxes—who prepares them for this? We do.

🚨 Because Financially Unstable Alumni Don’t Give Back.
Graduates struggling with money aren’t writing donation checks. Setting them up for financial success today increases the likelihood of future alumni engagement and giving.

Here’s what students have to say:

“…thank you for giving me a strategy, and more importantly hope for a better future (a future that I want).”

“It was very informative and hands-on, in a way that made me feel like I could actually do something to better my life.”

“This has been so amazing. You’re a really good teacher because this is not easy stuff. You made really dense information easy to understand, so thank you.”

Who will your students learn from?

Akeiva Ellis






Hey! 👋🏽 I’m Akeiva - former financial planner to America’s wealthiest .01%, divinely gifted financial educator, and a proud daughter of immigrants.

I’m trusted by Fortune 10 companies and huge household-name corporations to teach their employees how to master their money. I take complex, boring financial topics and turn them into engaging, relatable, high-energy learning experiences. My sessions get requested, rebooked, and raved about—because they work.

I didn’t come from money. I didn’t inherit wealth. But I figured out how to build it—and I teach students to do the same.

A sampling of my personal money wins:

✅ Bought my first home at 23
✅ Boosted my credit score by 94 points in college
✅ Paid off my car three years early

… and I did all of this while clawing out of $80k+ student loan debt, giving away 10% of my gross income, and working a regular (not six-figure) job, living independently in a high cost-of-living area.

I’ve been quoted in publications like:

“You are wise beyond your years and you taking the time to empower others with what you know is a blessing. I love the broad spectrum of topics you covered because it provided a foundation for me to build off of and not go into these things blind…I'm extremely grateful for having been a part of this experience!

Are You Ready to Set Your Students Up for Financial Success?

This program belongs in your school. Your students deserve it.

💡 Let’s make it happen. Book a discovery call now!